Follow the Cries of Your Soul
Have you felt a yearning within you, that you know there’s something more, that you know you are more, but you don’t know how to get from here to there?
This is your soul calling to you, saying yes there is more, and if you listen to me I will show you the way.
Your soul is the deep and eternal part of you. It carries the wisdom of all your lifetimes. It still knows itself as one with God. It’s the part of you that knows you are a divine being having an experience in a body.
Your soul is meant to be guiding you in every moment. In fact, it is guiding you in every moment, but it is often guiding you one way while you are pulling another way. This pulls you into tension and out of flow.
When you listen to your soul and flow with it, your life gets back into flow.
It’s time to stop taking your cues on how to behave and what to do from the outside world, and turn inside and take your cues from your soul. The only way to do this is to take time out to connect to and listen to your soul every day.
Here are 3 ways you can listen to and follow those soul whispers:
1. Stop and Listen to the Inner Whisper.
The best way to listen to your soul is to stop, be quiet and turn inside you. Step away from the noise and busyness of the world. Find a quiet place to sit at home or in nature, somewhere you can be alone.
Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing or on a peaceful image. Turn your focus inside you. Feel into your heart. Sit in the peace. Let go, expecting nothing. A thought, a feeling, a word, an image, an intuition, a knowing may rise up inside you. When your soul whispers it feels as if it’s floating up from your heart or your gut and has nothing to do with your mind.
You may receive or hear nothing at all in the moment and that’s okay, but the next time you’re out for a walk or staring out the window, you may feel an insight rising up from inside you, and you’ll know this is the response to your listening.
Make it a daily practice to stop and turn inside you to listen to the whispers of your own soul, instead of listening to the voices and noise of the outside world.
2. Take Today’s Small Step
When you start to hear the whispers of your soul, you often don’t follow these whispers, as you wait for a sign from outside you. You want someone to come along and tell you that you were born to go here and do this. So you put your life off until someday instead of living today.
The secret is to do the one small thing today, take the small step today that your soul is whispering to you to take. It may not seem like much, it may not feel like enough, but it is. In six months time when you look back you will see how far you’ve come.
I didn’t listen to the cries of my soul until I had two heart attacks in a week at 43. I was forced to my knees and had to listen. Now I know the only way to be happy is to listen to you and no-one else.
Before my heart attacks I had the right job, the right house, the right relationship, and I was miserable because I was not being true to myself. When I started to listen to and follow the truth inside me, I felt like I was being the authentic me for the first time. Things weren’t perfect around me initially but it didn’t matter because I was happy.
Society tells us things have to be perfect but that just keeps us following their rules. What’s more important – someone else’s idea of perfection or giving yourself permission to be happy in whatever way works for you right now?
3. Follow Your Joy
What makes your heart sing? Do that now.
Joy is your most underrated spiritual tool. Joy is the purest and quickest way to reconnect with your soul. The most powerful thing you can do right now is follow your joy.
As I’ve walked this path of healing I’ve discovered that following my joy and doing what makes my heart sing will always lead me where I need to go, because in those moments I’m effortlessly following the cries of my soul and letting it lead the way, instead of following my fearful mind.
It’s hard to feel peace or love unless you rekindle the joy in your heart. You can do this quickly and simply. Take a moment to think about what makes you smile. Is it walking in nature, painting, writing, singing, dancing, running, having coffee with friends? Can you do one thing today that makes you smile? Know you are doing something sacred for yourself.
Your spiritual path is about healing back to joy. Let the pain go and surrender to your joy, and let it lead your life. Drop the shoulds, oughts, musts, and live from the love, fire and passion that you know lies within you.
Don’t put your life on hold, waiting for someone to give you a 5-year plan and a set of guarantees. Instead live today, do what makes you smile today, take that one small step that your soul is whispering to you today, knowing it will lead you to the joy, peace and love you crave – the joy, peace and love that were inside you all along.